Thursday, January 15, 2009


Pardon my long absence here, President Elect Obama's plans for infrastructure have sent the Civil Construction world ablaze and I have been acordingly busy.

One of my goals for this site was to pass on links and resources that I've used or enoyed.

Instructables is a great resource to find and share DIY projects. This is the first place I go when I am contemplated a project. Check it out and get involved in the Instructables community.

You can find some of my projects there at Instructables - Reclaimagination. You'll see two wine related projects that should be up on here soon.


1 comment:

Anon said...

Great to hear you are busy. I have a large number of wooden wine crates. Any ideas on how kids can repurpose them would be great. They want a small money making project and I am looking for ideas for them.